Care 618 Ideas

Care 618 Ministry Ideas


  • Car wash
  • Gas buydown at a local gas station (offer $5-$10 off per fill up)
  • Offer to pump gas and clean windows at gas stations
  • Buy cold drinks for people at your local moto marts
  • Buy bags at Aldi and help pack and carry groceries or if there is not an Aldi’s in your neighborhood you can carry groceries at any store.
  • Provide Breakfast for a local sports team
  • Upsizing a food combo at your local fast food restaurant
  • Do a cookout outside a thrift store or in a parking lot in your neighborhood
  • Clean bathrooms at area businesses
  • Pay for family’s laundry and help fold
  • Pick up trash around your town
  • Gather names of people with “honeydew” lists and take qualified church members to fix them
  • Hold a change your oil for single moms
  • Cut grass and clean up around homes
  • Plan a block party
  • Hand out water with your church name on it at your local High School football game
  • Have a one day camp of some sort. Soccer, art, etc
  • Come up with your own idea


Whatever you decide to do….

  1. These should be free activities
  2. Contact your city hall to see if you need permits or permission
  3. If you are going to a place of business ( i.e. Aldi’s, a laundry house, local high school) contact them at least a couple weeks ahead of time
  4. Let MEBA know so we can celebrate with you
  5. Think about these things as you choose your activity
    1. How can I share Jesus with my community
    2. How can I build relationships within my community
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